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Investment Process I: How do you generate investment ideas?
How do you generate investing ideas? Let's talk about the process of of investing, beginning with the 'HOW' of idea generation. This is an expansive topic and covered in detail in our upcoming book "Understanding Behavioral Bia$" authored by Dr. Daniel Krawczyk and George Baxter, JD, CFA, published by Business Expert Press. Follow along in Chapter 8.
Listen to Investment Process I: How do you generate investment ideas? on Apple Podcast and Sound Cloud
Investment Process II: How do you vet your ideas?
Idea vetting is the second step in the Investment Process - how to improve your process and what biases are keeping your from your financial and investing goals. BUY Understanding Behavioral BIA$ | NEW Behavioral Finance BOOK | Behavioral finance advice and solutions | as you listen to the podcast follow along in Chapter 8 of the book Understanding Behavioral BIA$. #MentalModels
Listen to Investment Process II: How do you vet your ideas? on Apple Podcast and Sound Cloud
Investment Process III: Fundamental Research
The purpose of fundamental research during the investment process is to understand the cooperative position of the business/stock and devise the value of the business of its ability to generate free cash flow now or in to the future. Create a predictive model of what you think the development of the fundamental aspects of the business will lead to from an operational stand point. How will Wall Street and other investors view the stock as these developments come to life.
Minute 16:00: discussion of vaping stocks, industry and government oversight.
Shad Row of Dallas.“shad”-rowe/
Listen to Investment Process III: Fundamental Research on Apple Podcast and Sound Cloud
Investment Process IV: Analysis and Execution of your ideas
Fourth in the series on the investment process - with top fund manager tips of the steps of analysis and execution. Biases to be aware of are recency bias also at minute 6:58 base rate neglect - which is also discussed in Mental Models Podcast #28 on Bill Gates brain (Apple Podcast or Sound Cloud).
Min. 12:30 Group think biases are discussed with remedies.
Min. 1645 Research has value - don’t buy the sock just because you did the research.
Discussion includes:
Sunk cost bias
Memory based bias - availability bias
Attention and optimism bias
EXECUTION of the Investment process
Curse of Knowledge
Listen to Investment Process IV: Analysis and Execution of your ideas on Apple Podcast and Sound Cloud
Investment Process V: Coming Soon
BUY “Understanding Behavioral BIA$” | NEW Behavioral Finance BOOK by hosts of Mental Models Podcast | Behavioral finance advice and solutions.
Behavioral finance advice Visit for more insights.
This book will help you overcome the biases that are keeping you from investment success!
Authored by Daniel Krawczyk, Ph.D. & George Baxter, JD, CFA your hosts of Mental models Podcast.
Published by Business Expert Press
Behavioral Finance Book AVAILABLE NOW ON AMAZON
Do you want strategies to make better financial decisions?
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